Harvest Festival and the Price of Greed.


Well, that has to be our most productive year yet!

Our fruit cordons, which line a path in the allotment , are now in their fourth year. This is the harvest from the apple and the two pear trees. Not bad, eh?


Apples “Scrumptious”

The apples describe themselves perfectly. They have to be my perfect apple! Crisp, juicy and SO sweet! Almost like strawberries! And their beautiful dark red colour. They polish up beautifully!

For the pears, we had to consider pollination groups, so we chose two classics that were compatible:-


– Conference, which keep well and are good for cooking with as well as eating, (perfect for poaching in red wine!) and

-Doyenne du Comice, which supposedly has the best flavour of all. And I just can’t disagree! The buttery flesh just melts in the mouth, and they are so juicy and flavoursome. This year’s crop has excelled itself with so many large fruits. Last year we only had about three or four. They need eating quite quickly, as they don’t have the storing potential of Conference. That’s not difficult though. Tonight they are to be caramelised and served with ice cream, for dessert!


Pears “Conference” and “Doyenne du Comice”

Even our grape vine, grown mainly for its decorative effect (and wonderful autumn colour) has been bearing fruit, too. Maybe small and “pippy ” but nonetheless, nice to eat.


However, not everything in the allotment is rosy!

As you can tell from the photo of the pear trees, they have grown too well, and have outgrown their support, resulting in an alarming lean. The apple tree, too, was groaning. The “make-do”  canes were initially fit for the purpose, but no longer seemed strong enough to support them after three years of growth. I made a mental note, to make sure we invested in some proper tree stakes. Alas, too late! A few days later, I was presented with a sad sight! The weight of the fruit, insufficient staking and a bit of blustery weather took its toll. The tree had snapped!


Nothing could be done!

i just had to remove the fruit from the broken tree,  make sure the tear was cut cleanly and learn my lessons! Correct staking and thinning of the fruit. The latter I knew, but I couldn’t bring myself to discard all those lovely baby pears! The price of greed!

Hopefully, all is not lost. There is still trunk and branches left, so it should grow back – properly supported this time! And the apple tree regained its composure, once its fruit was harvested.

Here’s to next year! Let’s hope I’m more disciplined then!

12 thoughts on “Harvest Festival and the Price of Greed.

  1. Angie

    Your poor pair tree – I hope it recovers. You’ve a fair harvest there, all looking delicious. So much so you made me pop to the fruit bowl for an apple 🙂

  2. Julie

    I struggle with thinning out a crop too, will you remove your Pear tree or hope this one regenerates? But otherwise what a wonderful harvest.

  3. Brian Skeys

    What a rewarding crop. One of the gardens I work in had one branch snap on their crab apple tree it was so loaded with fruit. Have you thought about erecting a high tensile wire fence behind the fruit trees to tie them on too as you train them?

  4. Jackie Stockley

    What a heartbreaking sight, there is always so much to do in any garden that sometimes the things we keep thinking we will get to next, well they just can’t wait. I’m sure it will be stronger for the experience, as you are!

    1. thelonggardenpath Post author

      Thank you! I suppose that’s what gardening is all about. Taking the rough with the smooth and learning along the way. Most reassuring! Oh, and I’ve more pears than I know what to do with!

  5. Cathy

    Oh what a great crop – they were looking good when we saw them last month and the apples we took away with us were indeed scrumptious, but what a shame about your breakage 😦 Lesson learned though, albeit the hard way…

    1. thelonggardenpath Post author

      So glad you enjoyed them! We have a good store of them waiting to be enjoyed. I do hope I remember that lesson next year! Maybe, as we’ve struggled to use all the pears we picked. Crumble tonight! 🙂

  6. Christina

    What a sad sight your pear tree is, but as you say I’m sure it will recover. You must be doing something right with the fruit trees to have such a good crop. Staking makes such a difference to everything, this is the first year I staked the peas and broad beans properly and they produced so much more than in other years, so I’ve learnt my lesson too.

    1. thelonggardenpath Post author

      Thank you! It was a fantastic crop – and display! I will need to be more disciplined, and take care to ensure that the trees recover and keep flourishing. They’re my pride and joy! 🙂


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